The Cass County Democrat-Missourian from Harrisonville, Missouri (2024)

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The Cass County Democrat-Missouriani

Harrisonville, Missouri

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CASS COUNTY DEMOCRAT HARRISONVILLE CASS COUNTY MISSOURI THURSDAY MAY 3 1917 BELTON WEDDING THEIR RIENDS a If issue BUUl 1 BUI II vvaxa aftu xjuv io oux vived by three Mrs Ida i tion to an active knitting club which Powell of Norwood Mo Mrs Sarah "'ill take up any and every lino of 7 mi a in nnt nli A 1 rt AMERICA IRST ALL THE TIME! Come to Kansas Expense I 'I AMERICA IRST ALL THE TIME I City at 1 4u Too many cooks spoil the broth WhenTime and Na ture are VELVET no use anybody else in When you have Backache the liver or kidneys are sure to be out of gear Try Sanol it does wonders for the liver kidneys and bladder A trial 35c bottle of Sanol will convince you Get it at the drug store Mrs William II Dealy Very Ill Mrs William II Dealy the estima ble wife of Cass popular sheriff is critically ill at the family residence on West Pearl Street She has been bedridden for the past four weeks with a fever resulting from in flammation of the gall bladder and the long siege has made serious in roads on her health Mrs Dealy has not been able to assimilate food for a number of days and is intensely nervous She is now under the care of two physicians and a trained nurse The Democrat sincerely trusts that it will be able to report a marked im Live Stock: One Smooth Mouth Mare gentle to drive one Smooth Mouth Black Hone a good work ani mal: one 'dozen Ancona Chickens Will sell any other Live Stock brought to the sale On Merchandise and Person' al Property of John Williams deceased HARRISONVILLE MO Saturday May 5 1917 at 2 Merchandise: Consisting of Chil and Underwear Girls' Dresses Shirts Ladies Hose Suspenders Arm Band Sup porters one lot of ancywork and many other articles Had 326 Inches of Rain The greatest precipitation of rain for five consecutive days recorded by our local government weather observ er A Sharp for some time was that of last Thursday riday Satur day Sunday and Monday when 326 inches fell In the 24 hours ending at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday morning 190 inches fell The maximum tempera ture for the week was 61 degrees and the minimum was 33 degrees the lat ter of which is one degree above the freezing point Mackey of Seymour Mo and Mrs Henry Zumwalt of near Lone Tree and her son Peeters Mrs Peeters gave her heart to Jesus when she was 14 years of age Household Goods etc: One lot of Bedclothes Carpets Bed and Springs Dresser Kitchen Cabinet Oil Stove Stand Table Rocking Chair Lounge Buggy Harness Spring Wagon good Avery Top Buggy one Run about arm Wagon Cultivator ence Posts etc BARNETT PLANK UNDER TAKERS at urni ture Store East Side of Square Har risonville Mo Day Phone No 123: Night Phones Nos 307 and 370 AUCTION CO COLONEL MARK PREWITT Auctioneer Bonnie Prewitt Clerk skies Vacant is her chair naught embodiment of grace and and has been bred in a home to domestic excellence All she has been active in Belton blossomintr into the sweet personality of perfect womanhood TYPEWRITER RIBBONS The Democrat office carries in stock the famous brand of type writer ribbons and carbon paper Ribbons for any standard malto of machina Whenever you need anything to eat to wear to make your home comfortable or to UM on your auto come to JonesX the leading Da partment Store of All the People" We refund to out of town customers cash to the amount of their Round Trip Railroad ticket on the basis of 5ft of their purchases Whenever yea are in Knuae Gty aaka Jooea'a year (net 10 blocksorthos Main Stmt frsa the UsImSwIm SPftCv Kutas Profit Sharing Start 12th Main ud Walnut Sts THE TRACK MEET NEXT WEEK Was Postponed By Bad Weather Six High Schools Will Compete The Eighth Annual Cass County Track Meet scheduled for the old fair grounds in Harrisonville last riday afternoon had to be postponed and will now be held here on riday May 11 The same time rules and officials will apply as originally planned and the two delay will all be to the advantage of the outside competing teams The havy rain last Thursday night and riday morning was too big a handicap for the management to attempt to overcome It meant a heavy field and track and a light at tendance and possibly the failure of some of the contestants to get here so Supt Lester List manager of the meet at an early hour riday morning managed to communicate with all of the competing teams and notify them of the postponement In the track meet next week there will be six competing teams repre senting the high schools of Pleasant Hill Garden City Raymore Drexel Peculiar and Harrisonville Not all of the schools will have contestants for every event but there will be in all probabilities 40 contesting ath letes on the high school program In addition to the high school events there will be ten events for the grade schools furnishing an interesting meet in itself The competition in these grade school events will be fierce On form the Harrisonville High School track team should be able to win the county championship but the that has intermittently pursued the local team this season may again lay siege to it before that time Then too the county meet follows only six days after the Harrisonville athletes have competed in the state meet to be held at Columbia this coming Sat urday! If the contests there are any thing like as gruelling as the boys anticipate they will receive a work out to the limit Hence they may not be in tiptop condition" for the county track meet The first event of the county event will begin promptly at 2 in the afternoon Rev John Cropper Is Home The Rev John Cropper returned to his home in Harrisonville on Wednesday of this week He had been lecturing and preaching on his most recent trip to South Missouri towns and also in Northeast Mis souri including Bowling Green Pike county and other places The Reverend Cropper has a wide range of topics prepared for the min isters teachers and Commercial Clubs His work tends solely to the uplift of the human race and he is spend ing his life in the most useful way OR SALE Old papers in 5 cent bunches at this office This Has Vanity "Vanity! Vanity! All is Saith the poet Adver Pipetn the man that goeth A prominent citizen of Harrisonville one of the latter caliber proclaimed in the previous sentence is playing the game right up to the window He pays A 6 Bowman the photog rapher $200 per week to display his in the studio's exhibition window on the west side of the pub lic square "Iwont be reqdyto give you this for two years forVEL VET? We Say VELVET is the Best Pipe Tobacco We until we had tried every tobacco made but we know that most American pipe smokers agree that Kentucky Burley is the choicest pipe tobacco We know that this tobacco can only be at its best after two natural ageing and we take the time and pay the price to age VELVET in sure patient way You ought to know what we know about mildness mellowness and taste Well mighty easy to know and you can never learn younger than right now by trying VELVET yourjelf today By CATHERINE CRANMER startling in the evening paper asked Betty Allen as she perched on the arm of her father's chair and bent her blond head to scan the headlines of the paper he was read ing exactly startling but something that ought to interest He pointed to a paragraph and Betty began to read: Clay candidate for con gressional representative from the Sev enth district will he one of the speak ers at the political mass meeting at Stanhope hall tomorrow evening Mr Clay has a brilliant record as an attor ney and is said to be a gifted "Whew That doesn't sound so in teresting to said Betty Rm going to Mrs Andrews' dinner dance with Jerry Davis tomorrow eve very awkward daughter for I was talking to Theron Clay today by telephone and I invited him to have dinner with us tomorrow evening" tell you entertain your Henry Clay at dinner if you'll let me motor to Hill Creek lodge with Jerry tomorrow to the tennis tourna ment" The tennis tournament ended at four the next afternoon and Betty found so many friends to greet and so man victors to congratulate that be fore she know iiive o'clock had coine "Mercy me she exclaimed in dismay I am playing around when I ought to be home sobering up for the ordeal of being hostess to Hen ry Clay go at once or be late for my own dinner blue car shot smoothly out on the rock roads and Betty began to feel relieved As they went silently coasting down a long hill at the base of which was a hairpin curve Jerry neglected to obey the signboard warn ing to blow bls horn and when he miide the turn he was compelled to veer wildly to the roadside to avoid running Into three men replacing a tire on a large touring car that stood at the left of the road In the tall grass at the roadside front tire fairly pinioned itself on the jagged neck of a large broken bottle and a deafening long drawn out hiss followed beg your said a deep voice at the side of the car "but our machine Is now ready to continue Its Journey and we shall be happy to take the lady into town If she will honor us by allowing us to do so" The speaker who was a tall digni fied man In dark gray tweeds and a soft black hat addressed himself to Jerry but looked at Betty for a re ply The next minute she was waving good by to a somewhat disconsolate Jerry and the big car moved away The man who had invited her to ac company them sat on the rear seat with Betty too run the risk of being late for said her seat mate of Inconveniencing others while em barrassing "That's too said Betty sympa thetically The big big voice made her feel even smaller than she was It wasn't for daddy I mind I promised him to be nice to a friend of his tonight and I want him to think playing said the man "for inconveniencing myself to please a friend of my father Betty felt a delightful sense of com panionship sitting there beside this man with the sympathetic voice and she spoke out half unconsciously: hoped to get home In time to rest for the ordeal ahead of me but now do well if 1 get Into my dinner gown and get my salad made before Henry Clay Just then the chauffeur asked for Instructions about reaching Betty's home and as she bent to give them she missed the look of amused surprise on her face but she turned toward him just in time to see his eyes open wide In sudden under standing as he heard her give the driver the same house number which John Allen had given him the day be fore when inviting him to dine with them you are Mr daugh asked the man eagerly said Betty looking very straight at him Then ifer blue eyes slowly rounded with surprise be Mr Clay can you?" be anybody he said handing her his card "And I hope the daughter of ray father's friend willforgive me for any rudeness implied In what I said about its being self sacri fice to accept his Invitation" think it Is I who should ask to be forgiven for my flippant use of the name of your kinsman Henry said Betty with a blush When they reached the hall Betty laid a hand gently on her arm dear" she said sweetly looking from him to their guest most wait until dinner is served to en joy Mr Clay for he is very tired and we must let him go upstairs and rest for the ordeal ahead of him tonight at the mass While Theron Clay rested he forgot the political campaign and its trying ordeala He was picturing Betty mak ing salads In his future home As for Betty she donned her dinner gownnd mixed her salad amid dreams of herself seated in the gallery of the bouse of representatives listening to the masterful speech of a masterful nan she loved work of which it is capable to aid those who are responding to the mili tary calls of our country At next meeting the officers of the knitting club will be chosen The club Card Club Organizes Knitting Club The organization of the first Har home of her son Peeters who 1 risonville knitting club for the United tenants the Wirt farm a few States soldiers is well under way ami miles south of Harrisonville Tuesday will be completed at a meeting to be May 2 1917 On the following day held next Tuesday afternoon The or the remains were shipped to Seymour ganization is composed of the per a a zx zx zx 4 a Pl a wm a am Itrtrl AW Webster County Missouri to be in terred in the family burial ground Mrs Peeters was 69 years 3 months and 25 days of age She was visit ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Peeters Her deafh was due to pneu monia which developed Thursday of last week The deceased was born in tennessee xm She moved to Webster County Mis i noon play of bridge the club voted provement in her condition in its next Mr Russell Mullen and Miss Gene vieve Dot Holloway Were United from This Belton Herald Yesterday afternoon at 3 clock Miss Genevieve Dot Holloway and Mr Russell Sage Mullen were married the Rev Dr James Norvel Crutcher of Kansas City officiating The place of the wedding was the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Wil liam A Holloway on West Avenue The bridesmaid was Miss Marguerite Hartman of the San Luis Valley Colo and the groomsman was Mr Nelson Mullen brother of the groom Mr Robert Holloway cousin and Mr William A Holloway Jr broth er of the bride were ushers Mrs Chester Berry sister of the bride played the wedding march and Miss Lulu LaMar of Kansas City sang of and Dawn Mr and Mrs Holloway were assist ed by Mrs Chester Berry Mrs Sam uel Holloway Miss Margaret La Mar and Mr John Mullen Little Thomas Berry carried a bas ket of flowers! The bride was given away by her father She waS attired in a gown of silk net over white satin caught at the waist with a bunch of pink rosebuds and carried a shower bouquet of pink rosebuds The gown was of yellow taffeta trimmed in silk net She bore a bouquet of sweet peas Out of town guests were: Mr and Mrs Ambrose of McAlester Okla Dr and Mrs Strother Mrs Nora Moss Misses Margaret and Lulu LaMar of Kansas City and Mr Young of Springfield Mo Youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs William A Holloway Mrs Mullen is the beauty devoted her life society i above cavil and beyond criticism Mr Mullen is the second son of Mr John Mullen born and raised on the townsite He has enjoyed un broken popularity since babyhood and is now old enough to not depart from the virtue established within him The marriage was popular A com munity of friends is well pleased at the felicitous proceeding After the honeymoon established by custom is over a real honeymoon will begin for them after May 15 in the Jones residence on the east side already fully prepared for their occupancy Garden City Oil Notes Today's Garden City Views The Views man is in a quandary every week as to how he shall record the happenings in in such a way that the excitement may be kept at the usual high pitch and this week it seems that the task is the hardest yet We are convinced almost beyond a shadow of doubt that shallow wells like that on the farm of Amos Schind ler represent but a waste of the money expended but even then we have the satisfaction of knowing it was the direct cause of large capital being in terested in the Garden City field If we can come to the point of realizing satisfaction to the amount of $60 per share on the strength of that knowl edge then we suppose we are welcome to it Last week a gas anil oil company of Iola Kans had a representative in this section but he left the latter part of the week without having ac complished anything to our knowl edge Two men fresh from the Au gusta Kans field were also here and have secured a few leases which they claim they will develop within the next few months Garden City is going to be a great oil center and it is up to every fel low owning an inch of ground or a business proposition of any sort to lend every aid toward getting the cap ital invested for development pur poses The Grove gas well which was "brought a few days ago by Branham has been cased and drilling has ceased Mr Grove will use both gas and water from the well Mr and Mrs George Bernard Spivey of Oakland Calif announce the birth Tuesday May 1 1917 of a son whom they have given the name of George Bernard Spicey Jr Mrs Spivey was formerly Miss Helen Dea con of Harrisonville the sister of Robert and William Deacon who still make their home in this city Local relatives were notified of the above happy event by a message Tuesday of this week our tables of guests were present bright and fair over there honors tor the afternoon high score The Democrat is joined by all who i went to Mrs John A Davis at knew her in extending condolences to the conclusion of play the club was fho anrrnwinp nnns Ewing Brierly in Aviation Corps Ewing Brierly of Kansas City the eldest soh of Mrs John Brierly who formerly lived at Gunn City in this county passed a successful ex amination Tuesday of this week at ort Leavenworth Kans to enter the aviation corps of the United States Army He will leave Kansas City on the 30th of May for ort Sam Hous ton Texas where he will go through a course of training to receive his commission as prescribed by the Army rules Ewing is a former student of the Harrisonville High School and since dropping his scholastic duties has be come a registered pharmacist being employed for the past several years in Kansas City where he has made his home with his mother and his two brothers Jay and Murray Brierly The Democrat will be joined by many other local friends in extending heart iest best wishes to Ewing for a suc cessful Army career He is a nephew of James Brierly and Mrs Thomas Haynes both of Harrisonville Charles Cassody the wrestling champion of Cass county returned to Herington Kans thtsi (Thursday) afternoon to resume his work as a fireman for the Chicago Rock Island Pacific Railway Com pany after having visited for a few weeks with his parents Mr and Mrs Robert Cassody who live about three miles east of Harrisonville eft us wiicii lie was as vol vi She was a dear kind gentle soul who be composed of 16 members those lived to make others happy She has who are already members of the irone to her reward a mansion in the bridge club i Icaiis folil iTaaamS kzxoa ftHmm nnilrnr but gloom is there but she is an angel Mrs bridge party The IlUIlUlO 1UI LHC UlbVilluUll 0 U1KI1 OVUlC ILfllL mill LOIli VV Vl tUGIVi the Democrat is ioined bv all who i went to Mrs John A Davis and at I a 1 1 1 i am a tma ZBiiirx ttm a I joined by several of the public school teachers and all were the guests of Mrs Bird in the delightful luncheon she served The hostess was assisted in the serving by Miss Gladys Strahan The party was treated to original readings given by Mrs Horace Moody and Miss Emma Kidd Death of Mrs Luliza Peeters Mrs Luliza Peeters died at the tenants the II Wirt farm a few States soldiers is well under way ami On the following dav hhl'l next Tuesday afternoon The or sonnel of one of the afternoon auction bridge clubs the Twice a Month Auc tion Bridge Club which has been holding regular meetings two Tues day afternoons each month This club was entertained Tuesday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs Charles Bird South Independ 1 tu i ence Street and following the after illv llcVvrtnvil aa Uviii in ivuiiviiovvi i A mIaVV A 4 A I I 1 1 A Art I LTllt? llltJVXTll OU II VUOlCi KJVUUiri souri some 40 years ago She is sur 1 unanimously to extend its organiza 4 iam 4 a am ArttttTA i rri rv rtlnn iiTnlnn I I I ft iJ ft bib I LWnimiE I 1 W1 5 i I WV Wife sfHHk II I i HI WWW I I 2 A M'l.

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The Cass County Democrat-Missourian from Harrisonville, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.