v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (2024)

OverviewUpdates (28)Reviews (21)HistoryDiscussion

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.

v2.6.3: Region Decoration and a Bug Fix

  • Jun 30, 2024

Attention: This plugin (update) now requires Arcky's Utilities v1.0.3 or higher to function correctly from now on. Once you've installed this, start a new save to avoid malfunction.

This update also comes with a new Graphic, make sure to install those! (Check the

Regions/Region Decoration folder)Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug when no MapPosition is defined (yet) and you're using the Item Progress Counter feature, it would crash the game. (This is actually a fix from the Arcky's Utilities Plugin but it's the Region Map Plugin that caused the crash.

New Setting:

  • Added a new Setting (REGION_MAP_DECORATION) that allows you to add Decoration Graphics on top of your Region Map. These Graphics will render above the Highlight Images (if used). You can hide each Graphic by using a Switch. (So for example if you want some clouds to appear above an hidden Location, set it to the same switch and the clouds will dissapear while the hidden Location will appear. (suggested by @ProChamCham. This update comes with an example Graphic for these Decoration Graphics so you can use it as a reference.

I know it's a small update but the new feature can do a lot for being this small.

  • v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (1)



v2.6.2: Extended Location Preview Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Jun 22, 2024

Attention: This plugin (update) now requires Arcky's Utilities v1.0.2 or higher to function correctly from now on. Once you've installed this, start a new save to avoid malfunction.

This update also comes with new Graphics including a new Custom and Special Theme, make sure to install those!

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed Location Searcher and Quick Fly updating the Cursor incorrectly when the setting REGION_MAP_BEHIND_UI is set to true.
  • Fixed an eventual crash in the Pokedex in case the mapPosition would not have been defined for the Species Location.


  • In the Encounter Table, it'll show the last Seen Form on each Species.

New Settings:

  • Added a new Setting to Fix the Wild, Trainer and Item Text's position when the Special UI is used.
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_WILD_X and EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_WILD_Y) to change the X and Y positions of the Wild Counter Text.
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_TRAINER_X and EXTEND_TEXT_MAIN_TRAINER_Y) to change the X and Y position of the Trainer Counter Text.
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_ITEM_X and EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_ITEM_Y) to change the X and Y position of the Item Counter Text.
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_BASE and EXTENDED_TEXT_MAIN_SHADOW) to change the Color of the Wild, Trainer and Item Counter Text.
  • Added a new Setting ENCOUNTER_TYPES to list and add your custom Encounter Types and choose how you want them to be displayed in the Extended Location Preview.
  • Added a new Setting CHANGE_EXT_BOX_ON_ENCOUNTER_TYPE to allow you to make the mapExtBoxMain.png Graphic change depending on the Encounter Type currently displayed in the Extended Location Preivew.
  • Added a new Setting CHANGE_ENC_BOX_ON_ENCOUNTER_TYPE to allow you to make the mapEncBox.png Grahic change depending on the Encounter Type currently displayed in the Extended Location Preview.
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_SUB_X and EXTENDED_TEXT_SUB_Y) to change the X and Y position of the Species Info Text (only the Info on the first page when viewing a species' info).
  • Added 2 new Settings (EXTENDED_TEXT_SUB_BASE and EXTENDED_TEXT_SUB_SHADOW) to change the Color of the Species Info Text (both Species' info pages).
  • Added a new Setting USE_SPECIAL_UI to either use the Special UI or use the default or PokeGear ones (or your own).
  • Added a new Setting PROGRESS_SWITCHES which allow you to link a switch to each District, if used, that will be set to ON when the respective District is at 100% using the switchesForDistricts method in an event before checking if the linked switches

v2.6.1: Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Jun 2, 2024

Attention: This plugin now requires Arcky's Utilities to function correctly from now on. Once you've installed this, start a new save to avoid malfunction.
This update also comes with this update comes with Graphics that have been moved, it'll say they are missing otherwise!Bug Fixes:

  • When all Counters are disabled, the Extended Preview will not be available.
  • When one or more (not all) individual Counters are disabled, the text won't show when there would be no Wild Pokémon, Trainer or Items on a map.
  • Fixed innacurate counting of defeatable Trainers on a map.


  • Quest Icons can now be customized and update on selecting a Quest.
  • Pokémon in the Encounter List are now sorter by (regional) dex number.
  • Weather Icons have been moved from UI/WeatherPreview folder to Icons folder (the one inside RegionMap or Town Map).

Also from now on I won't be testing new updates in v20.1 anymore. Only if it are really big issues, I'll include the fixes in future updates of the plugin. v22 is coming soon so managing a plugin on 3 versions is a bit too much.

Remember to also start a new save before trying this new update. (It might probably ask unless you have my Poke Mart Plugin installed).

  • v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (2)



v2.6.0: Extended Location Preview

  • May 19, 2024

Attention: This plugin now requires Arcky's Utilities to function correctly from now on. Once you've installed this, start a new save to avoid malfunction.
This update also comes with new Graphics, make sure to install those!Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the Trainer and Item trackers.
  • Fixed a crash with the highlight being nil when changing Region.
  • Fixed a crash with roaming positions when turning switch on when the roaming pokemon was already caught/defeated.


  • Improved the way on how the script checks for visited locations.

New Features:

Extended Location Preview allows you to view more detailed information about the location on the Region Map. This goes along with the Location Preview so make sure you've got that setup correctly first. Follow the update guide on what this new features offers.

New Settings:
  • Added Settings to set the buttons for each new function inside the Extended Location Preview

Remember to also start a new save before trying this new update. (It might probably ask unless you have my Poke Mart Plugin installed).

v2.5.2: Bug fixes and improvements

  • May 2, 2024

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when the available actions would happen to be 0 (this should normally never be the case though)
  • Fixed a crash with the itemTracker that would crash the game when using the BW key item plugin.
  • Fixed the Item Counter so it counts items given by a script command as well and not only those given by a conditional command.

v2.6.0 will be out probably at the end of next week so I hope you're looking forward to it :)

v2.5.1: Time Based Region Maps

  • Mar 17, 2024

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when confirming to fly to the chosen location using the mouse.
  • Fixed the text "Change Region" on the Fly Map (field move) while you can't change the Region there.
  • Fixed the District Name Feature not being used when the Progress Counter is turned off.

New Settings:

  • Added 4 New Settings, to turn on/off each individual Counter used by the Progress Counter Feature (these are the Item, Trainer, Wild Pokémon and Visited Location Counters).

New Feature:

It's now possible to have the Region Map Image change depending on the time in game. (Feature suggested by ProChamCham).
Possible Times are:

  • Morning
  • Day
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
  • Night

When there's no Morning, Afternoon or Evening variant, it'll use the Day variant instead.
When there's no Night variant, it'll use the Day variant instead.
When there's no Day variant, it'll use the Default one instead.
When there's none at all, it'll use the default one (so better keep that one as well).
In the town_map.txt PBS, keep the name there as the default variant (for example "mapRegion0.png").
If you do not wish to use this feature, you can just ignore the console message, the map should load just fine as long as the default one is still available.

I'm currently working on a new Plugin so I wanted to release this update first so I could focus on this new Plugin until it's finished. Also I'm working on a guide for this Plugin, it should be ready sometime soon (can't say when though).

v2.5.0: Mouse Support

  • Mar 13, 2024

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash with the Trainer Counter script.


  • Reworked the 000_RegionMap_Settings.rb file completely to make it more orginized (no settings have been renamed).

New Feature:

  • Added Mouse Support which allows you to select a location, move the map and interact with a location (like opening a Location, Quest or Berry Preview or Select that location to fly to).

If you still encounter issues with the Progress Counter, let me know and I'll try my best to help you fixing it.
(Also I don't know what happened but I released this update already an hour ago and it went bye-bye).

  • v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (3)


Hadu and Aleix13g

v2.4.1: Bug fixes and improvements

  • Feb 27, 2024

Bug Fixes:

  • fixed a warning message appearing while this shouldn't be the case.
  • fixed a typo in v20.1 in the Item Tracker script.


  • changed the name of the setting MINIMUM_VISITED_COUNT to MINIMUM_MAPS_COUNT
  • added compatibility with the Gen 8-Style Item Find Description plugin.
  • when a highlight image includes "route" in the name, it's expected to be in the "Routes" folder, any other image are expected to be in the "Others" folder (their name doesn't matter but still need to start with "map").
  • added a counter to keep track on Static Encounters.

New Setting:

  • Added a new setting ( PROGRESS_COUNTER), this feature was already in v2.4 but now this setting allows you disable the feature when you're facing a crash. (Please still show the crash to me so i can try to find a fix for it). This is only a temporarly solution to fix the many crash reports I've received in the last week. I disabled this Progress Counter by default.

v2.4.0: Progress Counter and Berry Preview Improvements

  • Feb 23, 2024

I'm back already with the next update for this plugin.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with the list of berries planted not being displayed correctly
  • Fixed a bug with the Button Box not going back to it's original position when hiding the Berry Preview Box.
  • Fixed an issue with the Disctrict Names Setting Crashing the Game.
  • Fixed an issue when there's no Player Position, it would crash the Game.
  • Fixed a bug with the game crashing after every trainer or wild battle.


  • On the Berry Mode, when you planted for example only 2 Oran Berries on the same location, it'll say that there were 2 Berries planted but it'll act like it's just 1 berry. Since it are 2 Berries of the same kind.
  • On the Berry Mode, when you have more kinds of Berries planted on a same location it'll tell you, in the choice menu, how many of each kind you've planted and displays this as well on the top before the Berry name. This removes the "Total" line in the Berry preview. I might be adding a new (smaller) Graphic for just 1 line in a future update.

New Features:

  • You might have already noticed the Percentage showing next to the Region's Name. I've now expanded this by making it count wild pokemon, trainers and items. The only requirement for counting trainers and items is that in the events, there's either "item" or "trainer" mentioned. I'll provide some settings in a future update if you prefer to not have it count trainers, items and wild pokemon. If districts are being used, it'll split up the progress and displays it for each district respectivily.

To make everything work correctly, make sure you've got everything set up correctly according to the Pokémon Essentials documentation for townmap and the mapmetadata pbs files. I'm always willing to help you out if you're unsure about anything.

Also I'm working on a full detailed guide for this plugin. It's much more orginized than the Plugin's overview page since I can split everything up in individual tabs so it's much easier to find things you're looking for.

  • v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (4)
  • v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (5)


Hadu and wrigty12

v2.3.0: Location Search and Fake Locations

  • Feb 14, 2024
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the District Counter crashing the game when the total Counter is 0.
  • Fixed the pathing for the Fly Icons.


  • Added a warning message incase a Game Map has a invalid Region number defined for it's MapPosition.

New Features:

  • Added a Location Searcher including a Filter as well to quickly find locations on the Region Map.
  • Added the possibility to set up fake locations depending on a Game Variable suggested by @REALMUGEN

New Settings:

  • Added a new Setting to enable or disable the Location Search Feature (or you can set a switch too).
  • Added a new Setting to choose to include unvisited locations as well in the Locations list.
  • Added a new Setting to set the minimum of locations that need to be unlocked in order to use the Location Search Feature.
  • Added a new Setting to choose which button needs to be pressed to activate the Location Search Feature.
  • Added a new Setting to choose which button needs to be pressed to activate the Quick Search Feature (filter option).
  • Added a new Setting to choose which button needs to be pressed to filter or unfilter the List of Locations when the Location Search Feature is enabled.
  • Added a new Setting to add Fake Location Map Positions (explanation is in the Settings file).

I'll be updating the overview page of this plugin later this week with a new Showcase video and a more detailed guide for the new Features that have been added recently.

Also if you are interested in helping me testing new features for this plugin, I would appreciate that since it's very difficult for me to test every single possible scenario that could eventually cause issues or in worst case a crash. This Plugin is still going to pack out more features so it won't end any time soon

(v3.0.0 is on it's way)

If you have any questions or encounter any bugs, drop them in the discussion or hit me up in DM on either discord or here on Relic Castle.

v21.1 - [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - Updates (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.