Delivered In the aty Proper. O.OO. By Bell. Free of roatege. 10.00.
rclUaOicd try the BOSTON TBANSCBIPT COMPANY. 834 Weehinitton Street. VOL. 16,038. BOSTON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 30, 1879.
nunrua, Io. 824 Wuhisgton Street. TERMS: ru Anm (la ilvanl, by man. 31040 IMniW la tb fit, proper by earrtan. JAOO LT Tueidav (in dTacl including pootag.
32-00 VICDilTY OF BOSTON. Bonaorvlllob Crrv Codicil. At a mooting of tho aldermen, last evening, a number of petitions received proper ref ere ne. Jeremiah McCarty was swarded the eon tract for laying a sewer ia Walnut street for 14V1 Ji, and Maurlo Ruttemer for laying sewers in Holland aud Elmwood for $21(0, A hearing was given in remonstrance to tbe building of a sidewalk ou Central street, and most of tbs abutters appeared to bo opposed. An order was adopted nqtMsUatftho mayor to petition tho Board of Health of Boston to eat off nil sewage emptying Into Mystic lata The board non -eon-enrred in an order from tb lower branch, an-tboriring th Commit! on Publie Property to procure plan for a new sebooibons In West Somerville, and Aldermen Underhill, Libbey and Davis were appointed aa a eosnmiue ef conference la the matter.
Th board adjourned to Aug. B. In th Common Connell tb carburettor matter was disposed of. A new order was offered nod was adopted. It provides for purshas by lnatui-mente.
Tb net saving by tha nsa of tha carburetter la to used Is payment of Hi mac hi or, until th full amount fiGOS -shall havo boon raised. Council me Bailey, Cola aad Eridgham won appointed a committee of conference in the matter of procuring plans for new sehooibons in West Somerville. Wren the Yellow Fever flnt hroka out In Memphis tbta summer tha Tribune arid that tho post history of tha dtaoHein thta country gave reason for supposing that tha jdbrt aeverely aconrged last year would ho visited till season by a mild. typo of tho fever, which would bo fatal in many casts, hut would not spread so to give general alarm throughout tha South. Tims far event havo justified thin view.
Tlie fever seems already to be abating in Memphis. Its appearance in Now Orleans will probably be followed by no more serious resulta than in the former city. Litti can be sold to he 00(1)0111100117 known conoerning tha origin and spread of yellow fever, bnt experience seems to show that after a rover epidemic there remain aomo germs of tho dio-eoae persistent enough to survive tho following winter, which are arotuod into activity liy the heat of tho ensuing summer. These terms fasten upon peoplo whoso fya-ma ora in debilitated oondition, hut their virulence is greatly tUrnin-khed, they do not multiply rapidly, and the fever does not spread much beyond tlie immediate locality where it ta developed. In places where Follow fever mods havoc with human Ufo hurt summer It 11 probable that moat cases of malarial fever thta season will taken yellow typo, Ant tha death rata will not, we may expect, be alarming.
Nothing that has thus lor occurred gives cause for apprehending that tho South ta to havo repetition of tho terrible experiences of 1878. rN. Y. Tribune. AMUsem*nTS.
Mam JferepaiwJt'f MnutfftrU and Orem gave Bostonians taro Iln exhibitions oa tha Coliseum groan da yesterday afternoon and evening, and they proved highly satiirylng ia every respect. Mr. Forepaugb's experieoe of more than twenty years in tb travelling show bnainee has led him to throw aside much of tha gaud and glitter and claptrap that ia th eyes of tho aver, ga circa attendant is only to langbod at without profit. Hi entire establishment ia made np of solid material, affording opportunities for thoughtful study of tha rare and numoroM specimens of natural history, a wall aa of th capabilities of tho physical man in equestrianism and the almost endless variety of athletic and acrobatic xporta that serva to impart symmetry and trengtb to tho human frame. To carry out the objects, ho baa provided the largest, best and healthiest menagerie that It ban ever been tho fortune of Boaton to witnes at home, and hi array of equestrians and other performer are real artists io their respective lines, without exception.
There at no dip of any asm or nature to mar tlio entertainments, and tbs resultant gratification uf overybody ia a matter of conn. Tho menagerie it a usual th flnt oLJeet of tbs visitor, aad there are tob seen duty cage of rare animals, among them tho only living giraffe ia the country, a hippopotamus, daaen elephants, varying la die from three moo iter more than a doze feet in height down to I eon pie of diminutive chicken elephant, Mveral camels and dromedaries, Hum and tigers, leoixrds and panthers, seals and other amphibious creatures, birds aad monkey, a zebra, and numerous beasts seldom if ever seen kero before, Entering tb ring tent the vRitor Is entertained by an excellent hand of mnsie until the opening pageant, which displays all tho performer and the entire ancaged menagerie, Including tb drove of elephants and tb beautiful giraffe, tho latter moving about gracefully in bamem, a novelty indeed. Tb riding dog; th csunoo-bal net of Iforr Drayton; th principal riding net of Woods Cook, relieved by tho fun-making of Billy Burke, tb gtrohfttf flown; the extraordinary manrgo let of Mis Emma Rtlcknejr, afterward Irtir-lesqued by Burke; th equitation" not of Mia Jeannette Burdeau, on of the boldest rider aeon hero; the balancing trap set of Lottie Miranda; tb Jockey hurdle act by William German; th iuperii pure Arabian trick hot Mahomet, trained by William Monroe; the triple horiaontul bar surprise of William R. Forepaagh, Charley Dlls, and tb funny Robiaaoai Adam Fore-pang with his rieven finely-trained elephants; tha leaps of th aihlotio by Jam fitosro, th last-earned and Mr. Cary turning double somersaults over eight elephants, three of them of tha largest Bias; th Juggling on horseback by Mis Paulina Lee, aad the wondor-ful contortions of young Ajax, th seemingly booekaa man, follow each other with almost bewildering promptness.
Then the sensations of tb evening Robert Miekney, known to every clrcni habitat, In hla principal tumerrault wonders, and bis dexterity in ridiqg and driving seven spirited ateeda, and Mkn Anal Carroll, ia bar exciting yet gracefully artistic bare-back feats end aa entertainment eredKahta to managers and performers alike a well for its orderly eao-dnetaa its artistic oxeollenc and nvetdaneonf that coarseness which too often diagnose th sirens ring. Th elder Forepaugh Is adminldy seconded ia hie management by his son mad nephew, whose permanent success is apparent, and it I hoped that pnq-er enoonngement will indue them to return in (nceeedlag seasons for a toy longer than th present, which ia nnfortn-saiely limited to font day. Tomorrow! street pageant will pursue the foilowiag route: Huntington avenue, Dartmouth, Tremont, Eliot, Kuecland, Allmuy, Kiugston, Devoashlrt, State, Court, Tremont and Boylstoa streets, Hmitiugtou avcaiMh back to the kit. Fait Thantra. Tbe extravaganza of "Revel," which in tb hand of th old ortlo of th Surprise Party" has proved such a dndded success, will probably withdrawn at tho cad of tha week to giro plac to another popular piece.
Edouin tickle tb audience at every performance by some bit of impnmptn fun, and th other membenof the company are very satisfactory ia their parts. The stag setting itself it a rare ut-traetbm, aad Is highly praised. Morion Jftfamn. The juvenile company continues to fill the stage la amort aeeeptabl manner, and people go again aad again to woatlor at and admire tbe acting and sieging of little Corine Kimball sad soma of th other principals. From tho interest manifested In th opera It Memo not improbable that the troupe will soon celebrate it one-hundredth performance at "Fin-afore." (taMomf tiarden Is thronged Bun and mors, as tb oxeollenc of Ito attractions becomes bettor known.
Than are beautiful Illumination every evening, and for tomorrow a splendid pyrotechnic display la ansonneed. The Ught-rop walking and trapeue performance by dashing gymnast, th creditable horisoatal-har exercise and so exhibition by Professor Mitchell, Urn "fire king," are the special ties this week. There is a nutinfe today. Basinets Tumbles. Peter L.
Lambert, furniture, Mi Blacks tone street, has failed, tbe Immediate eaase of the failure having been attachment pot upon the debtor's establishment at th suit of J. Buffnm Co. and Cashing tt Bliss. Tho liabilities am reported ss same (SEN. J.
Hunt, apothecary, Nashua, X. H-, Is reported in financial difficulty and attached. Bootes parties nr creditors to som extent. The UabUltie of Maurice M. Fitzgerald, drygoods dealer, UMoridion (tract.
East Boston, an (S71, aad th assets nominally CMS. Mr. Fitzgerald offers 37 cents on fil, aad the creditor an accepting th proposition. Tho Ualdlltiee of C. L.
Walker, dry-goods dealer, Clinton, are reported as some fiMOfi. William A. Hals, baker, Ilf Tyler street, has foiled. In tb matter of forming a stock company of creditors, to carry on th chair-mauuf ictaring buslnem of George a Winchester ft Ash-bambam, It Is sold that tho snbaoriptkms reach nearly filOMOt. Cook ft Aldrich, dealers In bats and eaps, School street, have failed.
The liabilities are reported as about $43J009, t-ififtlt of the Indobtadnasa being to on party, and tho balance for merehandia. Joseph F. Wilson, teal estate, M7 Washington street, has failed, soul will settle with his credited in insolvency. Th liabilities are shoot of which aomo fififiAN is ssenrsd. Tb unencumbered assets are light.
A meeting of the creditor) of George H. Bnnfq-Ihg, dealer In find fcifitiaman'; rSmlah- lag goods, Wastborongh, was held ia this eity yam terday, bat nothing was done toward settlement. ished by the Mexican Constitution, yet it is declared ami believed that the beneficent laws in favor of all the citizens do ndt avail with the poor and uneducated fndyemu of Mexico. It ia said that tlie chiefs of tlie towns and departments make these people do service without pay, carry the rojTesponde.mii, work on the rosils, tliat there are three-quarters of all the Inhabitants of tlie country in tlda dependent state. Tlie LioenadoD.
Tiliurqlo Montiel, an energetic and well-known liberal, and couperator with President JuAfi-x, governor of this city, and now attorney for a large number of these Indian towns, is endeavoring to obtain Justice for his clients. They desire tlie division of tlie immense tracks of land now uncultivated, and on which no taxca.are paid; they wish to have public instruction extended to them and to have the laws enforced which should protect The object ia a good one, and they appear to use only pari Ac and reasonable means to olitain tlieir rights. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Aeeldeata. At 6 o'clock P.
M. yesterday John Reatella, of 41 Auburn street, was totally injured while at work at Bartlett's wharf. Ha was assisting to hoist sows empty hogsheads into pa upper story at No. fill, whn a honk of tha mochina broke, precipitating a hogshead on to tha unfortunate mas's head and back. Restello was picked up insensible and removed to the Maesacbasetts Hospital, where he died Just us he arrived.
The body was taken to the morgue. Medical Examiner Draper wis notified. Yesterday morning Charles Ryan, who lives at the corner of North and Lewis streets, and Is employed at the Tremont Paint Works on 1 lottery-march street, was at work la that place, when his right arm was caught between a pulley and belt. He waa thrown over the pulley once, receiving a fracture of the forearm. He wae admitted to the city hospital.
Martin McDermott of Cherry street. High-lauds, employed eu the Dorchtei-aveaue sower works, tell into the sxeavatlon, a distance of if teen feet, yesterday afleruoua, suutainlng injuries of a dangerous nature to his back and shoulders. Ho was removed to tha eity hospital, where paraL yeia set in. He has a wife and children. A Mrs.
Davis of Cambiklgeport, aged sixty years, waa brought to tlia Massachusetts Hospital yesterday with a fractured wrist, which Injury was caused by a fall. Timothy Fouhy, of Hoynas street. East Boehm, was at work on the steamer B. 8. Harding at Pier 4, Grand unction wharves, at six oclock last evening, when be fsll through the furs hatch, fracturing his knee pan and bruising bin head badly.
Joseph Logan of 3C3 North street waa passing down Fleet street at MO yesterday morning, when a pistol boll lodged ia his right leg, Inflicting a wound not considered serious at the eity hospital, where he sought and resolved ears. The shot was 11 red by oae of a party of brawlers on tha opposite side of the street. Huy Lynch of 81 Middlesex street, aged thirty six years, sustained a fnctaroof her left wrist yesterday at 3 P. H. by felling from tha roof of her shed in tbc rear of her bouse.
About eight o'clock last evening Richard Kslley of Pearl plaoa waa nut over by the fora wheel of a Red Line coach at tha corner of Washington and Northampton streets, sustaining a fracture of ona kneepan and severe bruise. Th Occident was brought about by Kelley trying to get down from the drivers seat while the coach wsc is aw-turn. Ho was admitted to tlw city hospital. A Moonlight Regatta. Thou sands of people gathered at City Faint, last evening, to witnes racing by moonlight, under th auspices ef tha South Ho too Yacht Club.
Considerable preparation had been made for the event, and everything passed off in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. The aeene near the public booses ou th point wae a brilliant oue. The hotels and restaurants war splendidly illuminated, baud reds Of Cbiueso lanterns won pendent across th avenues, and there was a beautiful display of fireworks. A pleasing programme of music wss so wall par-formed by a lirnd stationed near the headquarter of th club as to win enthusiastic plaudits. Neatly all of the yacht which entered tb regatta had ladies for poMengora; and ai there were restriction as to Mil, a groat speed waa made.
Th court five miles waa from Judges boat to Cow Pasture Bor buoy (6), leaving it oa th port, to buoy No. off Fort Independence, leaving it oa th port, pawing to wisdwstd of the judges' boot. A flying start eras saade, and the nee waa very Interesting. The Chiquita and Champion wore distanced, but the other boat covered the distance as follows, aud prizes wen awarded to th first four: Actual Curt time. time, n.u.s.
g.n. Violetta, J. I- Levering ......14840 1-tltO Lydia Adams, II. Lfaveupurt. 1.40.(10 1.22.10 Shamrock, N.
J. DrtoenlfT. lASAO 1.22 .112 Fearless, Alexander Kidd 1.47.10 1.24.ZX White Wing. Clsunoea Bn 1.40. (JU UMAO Pulls, H.
J. McKee IMAS 1.20.22 Anulo, Hear Mortlu 1.44.00 Kittle, W. H.Nichnlsoo 148.00 l-WMIZ Vnuiwa. A I'ksmborlsla l-OO- JJJl Oa W2, D. l-4h Jto 1 Wore Crest, W.
H. t-fifi-f 0 J.24.42 Echo, W. W. Keith. 1A2JO 1X0.47 hom*o Cook, K.
HomUtoa 1ASM 1 JOMI Kupuis. Charles West 1.H-N m- Wster Witch. Henry 2.01.00 141.21 Ymprsil, BlQBoy A oidlsy 1MM 14447 Yellow Fever axd tee Kmokh of Hoxoe. Supreme Dictator Cummings, Supreme Reporter Plumer and Supreme Treasurer tinner, of tha Knights 'at Honor, havo gone to Memphis to superintend the removal of members of tha order from that eity to mors healthy locations; and in order to carry ou th work and afford relief, thereby saving death, tho member of tha order throughout the country have bom asked to eos-trlbut fifty cents per bead for th purpose named. Thu far then havo been hut thro death of knights in Memphis.
A letter was rseelved from tho grand reporter of Tenneee, yooterday, in which that gentleman fully eoaflnns previous reports of th general desertion of Memphis, end says that his Is tho only office open in tho court bon, all th office sad Judges having left town. toys that tho discs i not as malignant a lari year, yielding very readily to treatment. Music ie Ceablxswwe Dnmucr. Tho fid-Jowiag programme will ho performed oaMonn-mcntfqflMt fMl freeing at 7 O'clock, by tb Of mania Bandi 1. OveHliM, Varth" Hsh*tietttetiiitiMi A.
Waltser, HwHU. S. Paraph rase, "Lore ley" KeavadM. 4. fletorUmis aam thOirofl-Oirofla fl.
Oslo, Rlrerstda" Wajhwet In. UereU. Orertars, "Eampa' eaaaMi BRIEFLETB. Tho reunion of th Forty second Regiment win tak plac at Melville Gordons Aug. XL The United States school-ship Constellation arrived at this port yesterday from tb Isleo ef RboaU, and anchored in the stream.
Oa Invitation of Rockwell A Churchill, city printers, their cmpioyfe and their fnmlliee will have an excursion down th harbor oa Thursday next. Th yacht. Psycho, Captain Lorlng, of this eity, it still detained In Newport by the collector of tho port, as th popen secured by her owner from tho Boeton Custom House wer not in proper form to protect her. A Beaton firm has been victimised rscontly to th tun of (IN by a snook thief who, provided with a eano, on th end of which a fish hook wa attached, managed, while tho employes backs wer turned, to "fish" through th gratings around tho desk a pil of bank Mils. The cae of Hop Leo, for a murderous assault oa th two men, Hubbard and Williard, in Charlestown recently, looks at if it might fall through from the fact that none of tha witnesses seem willing to swear positively that Hop was tha Cbiaamaa whom they saw strike the two moo.
Th annual reunion of Company Fourth I'niud mate Heavy Artillery, took plac yesterday at Strawberry Hill, about thirty comrade and their famllie being present Captain James Wad of (South Hoatou was elected president, aud Charles Bevennc of North Bclluale secretary. The superintendent of police baa been instructed to call the attention of tlw fore to th ordi-nane in regard to th aio at exploniv compounds, to instruct the captains of division to see that a copy of the awua be left at ovary store in their district where guaa and pistols at Sold. At alz o'clock yesterday morning a gravel train collided with two ears loaded with hog, at Cottage Farm, oa tho Boaton Albany Railroad, fievenl lioip wer killed, and oigbt or tan cars thrown from th track and badly damaged. Tho accident waa caused by th switch being thrown In the wrong direction, Th exhibition of firework by C. fi.
Hasten at City Point hurt night waa witnessed by vast audience. la variety and brilliancy they wen th most attraetiv of tb season. Tb feature of th evening was display piece of Hanford'S Jamaica ginger, thirty feet In circumference, In the form of circle, which presented a brilliant combi ua-tkm of colors, sod Inaugurated a decided novelty ia advertising. Last Hatunlay afternoon, L. Frothlngham, (ashler of tb custom bouse, left a pile of greenbacks on hi desk, at soiao distance from the aperture through blob money is paid, sad, having bad hla attention called away for moment, when be turned around again ha taw a mam running out with a part uf th pil.
It wa a sneak thief, who bad reached through tb window with walking (tick, brought th neac) within bis reach aud mad off with it. He secured files, and Mr. Frotbingbam will havo to bear the haw. The Bixtecuth Folic were notified last evening that th body of a boy cam ashore at Hull yesterday afternoon. From the clothing it la presumed that It ie that of Charles Brigham, aged eleven fears, who was lust during tha tornado of tha luh instant off Long Island, from th yacht Dnoiu.
It will remembered that tho yacht earn to anchor off the island, but partly filled with water when the gale stnu-k her. There wen several persons oa board, but all escaiedav th boy, who wa unabla to cling to tlie keel oa hla companions did. Court Report a. Bitkbioe Civil CoiET. July 38.
Tho following cates have been decided by th Buproma Court: Cyrus Nickerson tt to. Jess Tirroil This wa an action of tort to recover damages received by the plaintiffs schooner fi. C. Tryo. while lying in the defendant's duck.
Th vessel wa a foot or two brooder oa tb bottom than many vessels of her also and eisss, and. In taking ground in th dock, at low water, rested with her bilge apua the two ridges ou each side of the keeltraek (mode by former vessels occupying that berth), before her keel rested oa tha bottom between them, thus causing her to strain. Th Court instructed th Jury that th defendant waa bound to exercise ordinary and reasons! ears that his dock should bo la a suitable condition for such vessels as bo invited or allowed to coma there; that If there waa anything peculiar about tho construction of th plaintiff' vessel calculated to mislead tb defendant as to tb room she needed. It would both duty of tb plaintiffs to call his attention to it, but that otherwise tho defeudant would bo responsible for the exercise of ordinary ear in his judgment as to the safety of tho dock for tb vessel, etc. Tho defendant asked for certain Instructions which wet refused, and exceptions were taken, which havo now been overruled, th rescript being, "The defendant's requests for instruction! were properly refused, and th in-atructioGS given wot appropriate aud Carolina E.
Klco vs Darwin Barnard oL-Thl waa an action to recoves back money paid to the defendants, as an annual premium on a policy of insuranoo, as agents of tho Continental Life In-suraaoo Company, which th plaintiff claimed that they had ceased to bo, as tho company had, on tho day she paid tha money, been restrained from doing any lint lta ordinary business from day to day by an Interlocutory decree of tho Supreme Court of King's County, New York, a final decree being tutored some days after, and a receiver being appointed. The plain-ft aaded back her money, but the defendants refused to pay It, as they claimed to have out to tho receiver a statement, wherein they admitted the receipt of said sum. Oa tho day when th plaintiff paid tho premium to the defendants, neither party knew at tha proceedings New York. Th Jury returned a verdict for tb defendants by order of the Court. Tho plaintiff declaration also contained account for mouoy had and received to tho plaintiff's ns, judgment haa now been ordered on th verdict, tho following rescript accompanying tho decision: "Tho interlocutory daere of tha Supremo Court of Now Yqrk did not rsvok or annul tho defendant' authority fignta of th Continental Ufa Iniunnc fempany.
(ftey won such agoota when tho plafotiff paid th premiums to thorn, and, therefor undr tihs puadifigs, aha cannot recover." KYsneWATM. Th Boston Water Board gar a bearing to the Chelsea Water Board yesterday afternoon for a modification of tho present contract for supplying Chrisoa with Mystic water. The old reservoir on Boaoon Hill it bow Utilised a part of tb meani of supplying East Boston with Cochituat. It la difficult to discover how best to deliver this supply without ontuiling In- tOPrnknC BMP tfr SftWI tafttcH; jor, YiwniohdllCaot CoeMtdht ai the fountain; th trim bio lies rather In seen ring gad maintain-Ing a proper head with th plpcc now la fisc. H.
Bailey, proprietor of Bailey mlU-poweron the line of the Mystic basins, offers to permanently relieve the Mystic water of lta present trouble for (GO ,000 or to sell reeelpt for 11000, by which tho water board can accomplish th same sod for Mach leas money. Th board has not yet entertained tb proposition. Th City Connell visits tho lako today and will give it critical oa amine- YELLOW-IEVER REPORTS. THE 8ITUATIOX AT MEMPHIS KIIBHT8 OF HONOR RELIEF COMMITTEE. A Panic at lirowntvllle, Tenn STRINGENT QUARANTINff MEABURE8.
Xxw Yoke, July 30. Tho following Protestant minister remain in Memphis: Bor. W. Boggs, Second Presbyterian Chnrch; Kev. George C.
Mania, St. Marv's Episcopal Church; Kev. S. II. Lamlnun, Central Bop-list Cfauich; Bov.
William iJuleell, Graoe Kidacoiml Church; lfev. Engona Daniel, Finit Preabyterinn Church: ller. J. D. Stewart, Georgia-atreet Metbotlist Church; IUv.
W. H. Harkmlale, Chelmm Baptirt Church. The Knielita of Honor la Memphis organized their Kelicf Committeo for active aerrice yrotenlav. Nearly half tha white families have loft Brownsville, through fear that yellow fever might reach this place from Memphis.
Uusinew ig totally luxpcnded, groceries being the exception, aha they are ont of stock ana can get no more goods. In consequence, fi great deal of suffering ia anticipated. Tho only means of communication ia by telegraph. No mails since Saturday. At bums mooting, resolutions were adopted protesting gainst the Kentucky State Hoard of Health eatnliltaliing a quarantine hospital at Guthrie, and asserting that it will be restated with extreme measures.
Pickets on all roads leading from Memphis to Jackson, hare been established to enforce quarantine. New York Items. Kew Yoke, July 30i Tho police traced the river thief, shot by Captain Somers, to a physician's office on Kurt Broadway, find thence to Bt Francis Hospital. He proved to bo well known to tha police Bum" Moran, lie bad received severe wounds in his hand, knee and face, and he will probably lose him leg, which is terribly lacerated. Hta com-; nlons, Gulden find Conroy have been identi- Tl'ie body of Edward T.
Oakley of Pina liluff, Arkansas, won found in the river Sunday. Uta death is a mystery. He was on a visit to sick daughter here. He wae on officer under Admiral Porter in the war, and was quite wealthy. At a meeting of the Grand Army of this State at Ithaca, yesterday, General HcQnade, the commander, delivered an oddre, claiming tbe organization to be non-political.
Subsequently a resolution waa paused requesting senators to effect a reinstatement of a doorkeeper to tho United States Senate. At the Brinton Ihsnge, yesterday, X. X. Lewis, at 2UU yards, made a score of forty-nine ont of possible fifty, being the highest score yet made, T. Mahoney, wife and two children are in the hospital here, seriously rick from outing Chicago conned coned beef.
A Fearful Disease In Iowa. New York, Jnly 30. A disease akin to rliolera is ravaging Centre Point, Linn County, Iowa. Fully twenty persons have died from its effects during the pest thirteen days, end an equal number are prostrated. It ta also raging in Walker, seven miles from Centre Punt.
Several deaths have occurred there. Forty coffins are ordered. The physicians of Centre Point are worn out, and residents are fleeing from tha place. Washington Items. New York, Jnly 30.
Tho President do-dines to pardon Bennett, author of Cupid's Yokes. It ta nndemtood that no successor will be appointed ta Minister Webb at England until after vacation, and full consultation with tho cabinet by tho President. Brief Telegrams. Jane's millinery store at Toronto wa burned. Lorof ISAMU Foreign Commercial News.
Liverpool, jnly 32. Cotton firmer: uplands, C1: Orleans, Slid; sain KUIW bafe, in-eludfng 100 bales for speculation and export; cei 2780 bale, or which roe hale American. Additional 2010 at 2002 bales were mail after regular closing hours yesterday. Future steady; August and Septauber, (17-32d September and tic tuber, 8 1A22U. Loxnnx, July 2A Consols, 27 lfi-isd; now (a, Fries, do.
preferred, BFi; Ertaiaooiid consuls, 74. Kew York Markets. Knar YonK.Jnly SO. Cattm steadier forfotonw 11 KMOOgsa-lOfir teSSk November. 10 OO-lOOfieS-lOO; December, 10 fis-iooyei-iou.
DO; September, It Cfi-Xuo( ff-tfWUelUIJSiSO. WEATEEE REPORTS. BOOrOR, JnlF IA 1373-114S P. K. Wn Department, Hgnal Bervleo United BlaMa Anm-pivIsWe ef Telapnoia aad Resorts for th Benefit of Place of Observe-3 Albsey, N.T...
28.80 zOOs TO Boeteo. xK2 T3 Buffalo, H. xf7 TO Ssrllnaton, VL. .29.02 zOd 71 Chariest ee, A G-SOXXS xol 81 xlfi TO Ctavrisnd. .28.80 zOS OS Detreit, xll -06 fi8 Krie.Fs..........
28.04 z04 T2 Jsektoevllls FlsJaOO zOl SO Ntw Loodoe, IX. 20.07 zU 71 Ksw Orleans, T0 01 4)1 TO Htw York. M. YS.88 zOf TO xt Norfolk, Vs. 2042 iM 73 -2 8W B.Ty.,2840 XOT 72 x( BW -2 0 OIrir.
X2 BW 12 0 Fair. -Jiff 4 0 Claude, OIrir OCIoodp, 0 0 Claim 0 Cloudy. 4 OC Km 0Fnxy. 4 0 Clear. 0 Fair.
0 OgMrtr. I AT Flair. 4 OCleudr. 8B -1 BW -ff -a a 41 KE -1 -BW 3 BW BW 10 40 Cloudy. 0 Cloudy.
Mo rOJOAO XOT 77 -1 KW 0 Cloudy. feSSMgSr xOC 7 -1 5 OCtasri 1HK -AJallSi oojff, July 10, 1373-7-U A. X. noow. 2Qfi ffi fi fiFrir.
Burttaftoo.VlM.tA8i 206 72 -1 BW gyrir. z08 1.20A2 06 TS BW ,2248 203 37 XT 0 0 flail. RBWTOUX, JulyBO. Wlad aoutkwsat; kazy, eswrisr 74. omcK3toffaLBnnvw.ff.AA.
I iron, WODXzaDAT, July 30, UTA hnansBAT, July 30, UTA A-M. UJ2F.M. 'MICSIMHH32l8i88l2S 8-283 211.281 71 87 HUMtty82lllll88MM 020000000023 0 tc Wtadjoooooooooooooo 0002000000 WittlHfaaoMaaiiiaa ilTa rMFi SEiw.TMfefirtrti Mffktrt, Trial vole 1 volorfty riwtadrhteotrtro TtBlBAU Ddtri. MMVpXAmUm. TOKTOI8K SHELL Gnmha sod Juwriry, arory vsris til taiymt stock In msrksL Mm rsdiHiui, HIM Hite UKLTH a CO 421 Woihing-ML Boston.
LMi irired. 18 FURNITURE At muMifBctuMre (rice. BIUHAN, BOUTIIEIt A CO. KATZS or ASVEKTUIVa XK THZ BAHT, aquAEB bisht us or iun Tyre. Regular Advertisem*nt.
am AU rft, fnt fucrfioa and Mb Ot frit, sack rtpatitim One gun, firri Iniwmnu sack ertiww. AO IBnoqnartan square, flnt laaartlaa eck aoattnaaaee. J7ti Goobalf square, flnt InMrttuo JO wk eon tins nr. AS SiMtimab hwM ew Mr, P40 per aqueie, Mk eoaltnaaaea. Ito Advertisem*nt Motived tor teas than 30 eauta.
oa the lit. 4th orSth PoRe. toeian, flnt IsarTtloa AImmui) -fl-00 act AO CKrKetieM. AS Editorial Notiaea. dm Bn.
AS Amuiemanta end Exhibition a. Per iquar, flnt insertion aeeeeeeeee.eeeeeeeeoeee AIM aach eoutiuuanr la Advertisem*nte Inserted only am le aach week fIM par aqaan, aach taaarttaa. XK THZ WZZXLT. raqiaiBiMchlaacrtioa AIM TEE BOSTON TROSORIPT ffea alwaja la toast IN NEW YORK, at BBBRTANOBUTEHABY EMPORIUM, Kfi 33 Orton WINDSOR HOTEL NEWS STAND. IN WASHINGTON, a WILLABn HOTEL NEWS STAND.
LETTER FE Oil MEXICO. fCorrtpoodeoe ef tha Transcript.) CrrY or Hkxko, July IS, lKl The peace which we hoped waa to aettle down in Mexico, after the retirement of tha Lerdo Adminiatration andtiie coming of that which followed the proclamation of Juxte-jwe, is still atiecut. At least tlie mimls of the people are greatly excited, and it is feared that violent action will follow. Tha prase la outspoken against the present situation of things to a degree never lwfore known. Tim Government has taken vigorous measures to suppress tlie opposition, and in Vera Crus the terrible tragedy has put that city into mourning, and the rest of tlie republic) Into a fever heat of Indignation.
After twenty-two days of waiting, and constant exertions on tbepartof the Supremo Court, the members of Congress who can he found during this tlieir vacation, and the Executive, the origin of the tragedy, the guilt of the victims and the rraponslliility of tlieir execution are still to he known. What is certain isthat on the nights of June and US, the police of Vera Crus arrested seven citizens of good reputation, so fur as previously known, in their houses, in the puMic scpiara, at the coffee house, end took them to the prison. Their names are Luis Alva, superintendent of the Military Hospital, and brother of a member of Congress; AntouioItuarte, merchant; liorenso Iortilla, brother of tlie mayor of Cordova be leaves a wife and six children; Francisco Cwto, tanker (eerafur), aged twenty-five leaves wife, three children and aged mother dependent on him; IUmou Alberto Hernandos, a physician of Yucatan leaves six young children; Vicente Cupuiany, rajitain of a Campeche merchant vessel, who is highly spoken of tiy his Mends in this city, and who has done service to the national cause by taking a flagship of the Maximilian usurpers; James liodrigues, captain of a guard boat. latter the same night these were taken to a guardhouse, and by order of the governor of the State of Vera Crus, I). Luis Mier Teran, and in his presence, were shot dead in successive groups, without any trial or any opportunity to arrange their worldly or eternal affairs, two military officers being aUo shot at the seme time and place.
The people of Vera Crus, alarmed by these arrests and by the reports of tlie muskets, collected around the fatal place. The corpses were thrown while yet warm into a wagon, and, taken to the bn rial ground, were promiscuously buried In a hole there. Tlie relatives and friends were not allowed to give them decent burial nor even to enter the place. In spite of constant efforts on the part of the district attorney in Vera Crus and tlie Supreme Court here in the capital to have these bodies disinterred and duly examined, with tlie legal requisites, dlfficaUiee have keen raised, many telegrams passed, and the commander of the military in Yen Crus changed, that protection might he afforded tlie attorney In thie duty; yet only cu Sunday last, eighteen days since tlie burial, was this accomplished in the presence of eight physicians, the attorney And the military commander, tha work beginning at 4 A. M.
and ending at ten. This fa all thfl Egws of this Judicial act tliat has yet come. It hatiPff reported at tlie first that these prisoner )uul attacked the guard, and were killed In tlid ngM rtfritqa), it is now certain there was nothing Vl the kind. It Is said, indeed, that one of tlie ifliiltpy officers, when ordered into tlie "square" of death, was not resigned "to die like a dog, and sprang out among the soldiers, shots being 11 red at him; one of the soldiers was killed and Olliers wouaded, which casualty Is not quite the same as if the prisoner had caused it. Ia tlie absence of the' Judicial trial which should explain these wonders, people can only conjecture that some secret accusation was made, or suspicion aroused against tlie victims now silenced forever.
Tlie pronunefa-vi left Is of the national war vessel La Libertad, in the Alvarado waters, may have been suspected to be related with an uprising in Vera Crus. The strainer returned to Vera Crus a few days after, having returned to her allo-gianre. And the governor of Campeche has published a statement to the effect that D. Joecliin Bu minds of that State in tlie chief of circle of discontented ones, ami that Cop-tain Cajimany is in it, ami that then was an intention to rise up, using the war steamers in sid; tliat he hail ordered the arrest of the leading conspirators, lmt hud only captured ma (of the leant of tlie in). It is reported, too, that a Hr.
lllrngiti, owner id a hacienda in Ompeehe, is a principal in this movement, afd is pnjiulor and on good terms with the rfst of the people there. The newspapers with gmit energy about these things. Although "vhattel slavery" has been abol Nswtoa. A Police Omen Shot axd tub OmoM Bn-Xioixlv Him. At about two oclock this morning, between North Village and Nswtonville, a serious shooting affair took piece, tha main particulars of which art given in tbe JournaL Officer George E.
F. Baker of North Village aad Charles E. Davis of Newtoovillo wore together and heard a heavy team approaching and Its occupants making coMridemU nob. When it came up, Officer Baker called to them to stop, and made for tha hone's bridle, at that moment receiving ballet from one at th two occupants. Officer Davie saw him fall.
The men jtarfe4 their team at a rapid pace and got by Officer Davis, notwithstanding bis code von to bring them to stand-tUL White ho wae ia tho net ef striking tho bones head with hla can ho received shot, th ballet passing through hla right fleer and doing Mother injury. Th fellows drove off madly, aad ha went back to where his unfortunate brother officer was attacked, and found hi lying upon th ground, bleeding profusely from a wound In tb eye, and removed him to tho house of Mn. Junes, near by. Dr. Stoddard vu tbea called, and found that he waa struck by the ballet jut under tbc left rye, tbe ball passing in, and in a downward direction.
Tb wounded man bled freely and vomited eoasiderahio blood, and it xu deemed advisable to remora him to th Maseochasctte General Hospital, where ho was soon after conveyed by Chief Marehal Hinds and Officer C. E. Davis. Arriving at Wert Newton, the men wars baited by Officer Ryan and they told him that they had shot om man at tb village below aad (hot ut another, stating that they wer highwaymen, and alleging that they could not see who they won. Tho officer detained them, placed tbe team In livery atabto, aad soon after, ia company with th oeeapant of th team, who said be fired at two men, went back to th scene of the trouble, there finding th tra state of things.
Th yonng man was apparently very sorry for what he had done, and said ho had idea they were poiieo officore, but supposed them to im robbers. He gave his oa as Herbert B. Davie of Brighton, and that of his companion os John Cornell of Cambridge, stating that ha Is employed aa salesman by his brother, Austin Davis, a well-known butcher at tho abattoir, Brighton, and was proceeding with bis friend to Natick, then to deliver thro beef carcanaei ho had aboard hi tout. They were both locked ap In Station Wert Kern-Son, and la uoovarsalisn -with- fisvkpute is hot seventeen years old, ho stated that ho supposed he was attacked by robbers, and resolved, when they endeavored to atop his team, that ha had better firs at them then get away as soon as poos ibis. Cornell is about tweary-flv yean old.
Tney say they tried to rouse somebody at Newtoavilte and toll thorn of tho oaeumaoe, sod whoa they gat to Wart Newton related the whole affair voluntarily to Officer Ryan, supposing they had been waylaid. Davis ia very sorry that he shot an officer. 8i ad Davis, formerly at Wert Newton, th father ef young Davio, was present at tho court this morning, nod both Davis and Cornell wort held In (1408 for tho action of tha grand Jury. It ia stated that Davis has beau attacked white travellingdaring tha night. At tart aeeouata Officer Dakar was doing a well as could sxpected.
City ValiAtwx. Tbe chairman of tb Assess ore, Isaac Hsgar, frunished yesterday th following advance figure! concerning the valuation of the city for IS7S, together with tbe naraber of polls by warita and the ret of taxation, which tatter Is forty cent toss on 11080 than that ef tart year: Wards. Polls. Rasl Estate. Total Valuation.
FA4flAS S.MUU1U S4rr2XM a 02.104 14WTA3H 4.70X424 4440412 1 E4 (SAESASO uxa 2 -AM .700 1 002 2.7HSA2C 711.14 4 HMI KA724M0 C2XA74 fi KHI 1.7D2jU2S UXfi 3474, 1M 14MIJI74 7 421 2460423 1400407 317420.705 SoAue.122 (23,729427 Tho fitato tax is (SOM; eounty, (UAUiES; and city, (302473; nuking a grand total tax of $Sttf 39843. Th rate of taxation ie (1340 per (1038. Tbe valuation for 1X73 is given below for purposes of oosnparison, showing that then haa boon redaction lor the present year all through eighty-nine in number of polls, (J, 174400 In real estate, personal, (1,283,101 la total city valuation, forty cents to rate of taxation on 31008, and (31410.43 less ia grand total tax: Personal Total Ward. Poll. Real Estate, Estate.
VUuotln 1.. 020 (2,107410 (X 1M47S (3lli4l 810 2,774475 703472 1427.IH 2. BOO 482470 722.225 2.71041 4...... 4H3 1484.770 0104U0 2,10149 1...... 420 1424.220 245.7HU 2.XSO,71 402 341420 1408.772 4441.287 T.
410 14110,720 1482473 4472487 (18404400 3044420 30413420 Tho Btato tax was (12438; eounty, fiiAUUM; State, (31(420; overlay, (412043; total tax, (301r 011.11. Tux per (1000, 13J3L After starting off in a splendid nunner ia tho match yeeterday, at Syracuse, the Stars broke down la the fifth Inning, error after error bring mad. They hgdbten striking vet offWIrffiy, but failed afta; jfets point of thafjjjjg fo Many baa bite. The Bostons won by a targe number of runs, tho following record shows: So bfinwUilL IISItlttlMSitltSIttll jMMfy I fosoatooofisoooooooosofioooooooX 0ROHrk Co fiofioooo 80 0000 80000 00 el Hotflk, Ta fiHa4MIHSINMI42lt2sl BlliOtk; IHlWftttf la IsaaeiNsaasMHtsssiisMMxl MOVTlIlt ID842ltM8M2M2i3tHlll X0l4 Ps00020seo0 (ItIMMsV ftnyta, CoaooooonosooosoooeooooooooooB TMiIlnml332M8MMlll 14 17 IT XS TABS. Bs norma, n.T.E.p.
a. n. lions 110(1 I I 8 8 Hill irrllf Ts 7saoooo MtCU luftr.k, poaofiooooooosoooaoooooooO CrcuMf, Sb WnodlMMli Ibsi.sis Hoihnt, Csaseoao Mseuliar, s. Bousoil, t. i ..0 .0 .9 ....1 20 08222 08 4 10 11 17 3 13 IIAICTI9- ttM 3283000MEOOOOIOOISOIOIoO 0 0 1 I I 0 0 a82242osateeeaastaes8eeSi 10 0 0 0 10 A Rim fttmn.t.
Twn bait Wti Jms, HoMrkilffnrTtll, Ctmumw. Hininfs Bnatona RTfii ffi nVallla LTvWMai Finite MB iron KFInsg Nters.f. JUruek nut Hoabiua, Oteni, 3. Balia cal flu Bond, 104; Xiitonlrk, 100. Strikes railed Olt Hand, 23; MeCnrmirk, 14.
Other matekesi At Roeheater Providence, Roches ters, 1. At Hpringflcld Holynkes, fipringllekU, A At Rockland Brockton King rhilipo, A At tone ham General Worths, 13; Palmers, A At Woroeeton-Wbteesteis, 12; Hadron, A At Detroit Detroit, Clevelands, A Ono of Louvois's army lnapectori instated on reporting Mirabeon absent from review when he woe only little late on tha ground. Tha major of tho regiment arced extenuating circ*mstance for niajunior, but tho inspector waa inflexible. "Monsieur," said Mirabeau, "I am, then, truly absent in yonr opinion "Yee, Monsieur. "In that case, thta no doubt pwaea in toy absence," and immediately rains a shower of cnU with hta riding in aomo ory.
Mr. Poor's new atatistics of tho milonga of operated railroads in tha United 8 totes at tho end of loot year (BiJil miles) gives on opportunity for showing the marvellous and often unwholesome growth of our railroad system by comparison with the system in Europe. In Europe tho number of miles of railroad iu operation last year waa about Tha population of Europe, oa fixed by tha latest edition of Behm ft Wagners "Beviilkerung do Erde waa 312408,480, and the population of tho United States ta about 38 400 400. Tho United Stttee, therefore, haven mile of railroad to ahont 4iH Inhabitants, and Europe, ono mils to about 8333-in-habitanta. Or to put tho atetemant in a some wliat clearer shop, a citizen of the United States, on the avenge, haa almost exactly wren times the railroad facilities tliat the European hoe.
The rate of growth in the two regions compared, however, in very nearly alike. Europe hod 21,140 miles at the end of the year 1855, and about 94,000 miles lost year, white our own system in tha same time grew from 19,917 mites lo 81,841. It is very likely, however, that old nod conservative Europe will before long slacken her railroad building, and rim United States, still young, vigorous end progressive, make rad tbe Glads ton ian metaphor and port her in a canter. New York Evening Poet. Tonuxsoffta Daily Mzxqzasda axd Catch-All supplies a want long felt ia office, shops, for noting down vaitona memoranda, maldug estimate Id fignre, or say similar baeineos purpose or reference.
It is made ap ia book form, with Miff eovars, of finished and extra dear Manila paper, prepared so tnat it eaa bo written upoa with pencil rr pen. Tbe fee of each leaf ha tiro day of tbe week and month at Mm head-white the back is loft blank, thus serving for an offio diary, in addition to a bode to figure or draw plum upon.1 Fublicbed by William Tomlinson, 88 CornbJlL Pnovnmxcm Lixb to Kxw Your. Tha weather of the pest two or thro don ta creating a lively demand for tickets over thta popular General Ewings heme at Lancaster to plain brick mansion, plsaiantly situated on high ground. Tho general's eldest son, WUllam, who ta twenty-three year old, to principal of an academy in an adjoining township. Th oldest daughter, Miss May Ewing, ta a young lady of many grace and excellences.
The general has three ether children, two boys and a girt. Ha to very much liked by hi neighbors, who always find him genial, generoo and well-bred. Colonel Barreto, an account of whose nnJnitiO-able arrest and imprisonment In Cuba haa already been given, ta well known in Kew York, where ho haa numy friends. Ho was prominent i the Caban Junta, and ha taken an active part on behalf of tho Cuban patriots, by participating In many expeditions, and served In tbe three yean war. Lately ha had coocladed to avail himself of th proclamation of peace, and had determined to engage In tho sugar bulnees.
Hta mlmion to Cnba, it ia claimed, waa cm of perfect legality. Ha waa possessed of meani to carry ont hta business design, and depended upon hta certificate of naturalization to seenre hta protection. In hta letters to hta friends ezprecaea tho mort poet- rim conviction that if he had not attracted atteo. thm by hta load protest at tha depot, he woold have been amamlnated, and not a trace ef hta wirtro. about woold over have bom received by hie friend.
On tb night of hta aoisura, th bona of bis brother, at Mercedes atroot, Matanzas, was oarebad by At policemen, evidently in tbs ex-poctation of finding pspere that would implicate Colonel Barreto in derigna against the Government. All they found was some book and agricultural paper, with Information about tha culture of the sugar cane. After hit release, CdoMi Barreto received a tetter from the American eon-inl, asking him to call, and at tart acoonnts ha txpeeted to bo ordered by th Spanish Government to quit the Island, fiomo among the Cuban exiles belier that tbo Spanish Government will repudiate the action of lta offloen In making this unwarranted arrest. Others say that the daaeto ecretary of atat will compelled to take notice of it and to requart the Spanish Government to make pocnnlary amends. CALIFORNIA WINES AIID BRANDY.
STEBN Lata Perkins, Btern ft Co, PROPIIETOn SUIIY SLOPE yhevaids, 773 ACKER, Ban Oatarlel, Cffikt A targort prodneari aad neeMmr all ffeoia by mlHag TMMI. BUI offer butter qiwHIira at Iwir Frieea than any other botua in tb Iradaia amalleet or targert qnaatltta. i HEW EHGLAHD OFFICE, Mo. 41 it Milk Street, Boeton Jyufi urn uni to SWAMPSCOTT. SECOND GRAND HOP 8ATCBDAY EVENING, at o'clock.
Cpttarom and neali of th BwomnaroU kotrii aro Invited without ftirllwr nrileo. Jr so ST. HELENA CLARET, and other ffnperiur Wine diroet from tha Vtaerard Mr. T. A Mitchell, Agent at tb Californio Wing Company, Water Uteri Boaroff, May 20, 1STA TMo my oertlfy that I have examined tha Hoc hand Claret Whwi M-lerted from your stock, aad Bod Thaw Strictly pure.
ff AE: Fi EAlniln'Hi (AmdyU(il and CowulUiig Chamto 10 WHInir 7. Reverie fi. Aria, from "Star of the North Mill 8l Folk, "Boaton 1l 1uxShtarWf0ra onoeeaooaeaE fisllivsa. The BrtAHkt OmlifOi which Wat built by Mr. Jackman of Xowbmypattlh IMS, to ran 1 connection wltk tb Eriost packet brtwwoathis port and Liverpool, has returned to Boston either to bo bn rued or transformed Into a sailing vessel, fiha waa, when new, splendid oak-built vassal of fitfii tom; double planked, diagonally cross braced with iron, aad fitted out in thsbrrtrtylSL fibe probably coat, when ready for sea, fiSUOOO.
Foe lack of StroBac both she and tb Krio, after lying idle Font Boston a long time, were purchased in Now York, and war employed in carrying arms to Franc daring tb war with Prussia, and afterward in tho Bio Janeiro trade. Tho Eric on the homeward trip waa destroyed by fire. The Ontario received her last salt of yellow sheathing In ISTfi, end since tlien has not hod much servios. Khehas be hits not yel price paid for her ssttl to have I ires If her frame is sound, she might to last she waa exceedingly well built, uuiler foe immediate nierlntsiiihnmo of Captain F.ben Hmree, tlie marine iiuqiccturfur French Lloyds. LTraval-ler.
A Dn.iriofs BRVMAnK tor this hot weather la tli "Hub Punch," prepared from tlie pnrext materials. Tlie emnponent parte are guaranteed to bo pure imported liquors and cordials, and those who havo tested it pronounce it a most refreshing drink. It is for Ml by the gallon, ilooen or bottle by Dunbar ft McDowell ft Atl Iflfiri Fisher A' Fairbanks, Joliu'fHlbert, ft and (jwmfnctnreis, C- H. Graves ft Hons, The flnt company to publish a complete set of endowment annual, semi-annual and quarterly rates running from ten to fifty yean, waa the Psion Mntual Ufa Inzuraiie Company. Thorat on a forty-five (4fi) year endowment policy for nee, iesued at ago IS, sad payable at death or go TB, If th pony insured is then living, Is only annum than on a policy payable at death only.
nf the Transcript will do JTilL Jf1 advertisem*nt of Heaty1 Toole IT1I In another oolnma. No dmilitnisra ora maoy who eaa voaeh for ito trath. BuohCui bear In mind that it io the good done to others satlsfsctbm. and recnm-iwiw tnm to in frlenda ind imiBiliitMiuMi wh need such a remrdy. ooqnmniaaem who IP You are 8rEE that no fatal or illsahllne so-eidest will happen to yon this year, you ass the only nan who does s't need a general anclileut policy la tlie Travelers of Hartford.
Boston office Miner state sad Kiiliy streets. The Stamen Exchemoktst, containing VMS excursion lours, sent Tree by T. Edward Bund, 222 Nsahingtok street, Boston. The farm Btatr. Tomorrow on of three delightful broad-bluo-oeeaa excursions will ha made Itythe Umpire Mate, when a sail of 120 nautical uill( can be rninyed.
In the evening moonlight enenrion Is to bo made among the brt-anils, terminating with visit to Xantasket I leach, the length of which lo to he skirted sad exchanges of fl reworks display mad with tho hotels. On Friday, Fruvioeetown la to ho visited; Saturday, the Isles of fihouls, and In tha evening a repetition of Thursday evening's moonlight excursion. Awnxn the Mart dellghtfnl eueumlon from Boston, none can lie mot enjoyable than that offered by tin Now York Now Enriond Railroad Mjjudw Hill branch to Hotel Wellesley 1-Wwlll pay your fere from Boston' to New York via Btomngtoo. OPR. B.
ft M-Depot. Jr 10.